Mankind has never been more terrified than now. Yes! the year 2020 is like Armageddon with pandemic covid-19 ravaging the entire globe. See how vulnerable we are? To worsen it,crime rates is at all times high, murder, rape, electoral fraud, financial frauds, cybercrimes, kidnapping etc. From television,radio, news papers our visual and auditory contacts are now constant sad tales of covid-19 viruses or vices of unimaginable proportions. Mankind is now perpetually lock down and practising social distancing in order to survive. The aforementioned challenges has thus compelled the great University of Benin to mandate her Center for Forensic Programs and DNA studies in collaboration with FORDEC to organize a trail blazing 1st Virtual workshop to address these prevailing challenges. Erudite scholars from all over the World have been mobilized to do justice in impacting the knowledge of Application of Forensic sciences and DNA in combating these horrific enemies. All you need is your android phone or computer with data to bring this wonderful learning to your doorstep.Date is 4th and 5th of August 2020 from 10am to 1pm daily. Online admission starts at 9:30am.Keep a date with us.